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Name of Media:

Patient says health authorities must warn public of ‘long COVID’


Laura Calleja

Publisher or Source:


Type of Media:

Newspaper Article

Media Originally for:

General Public

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Primary Focus of Media:

Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS)

COVID-19 Related:



Andrea (last name withheld), 44, tested positive for COVID-19 on 4 April, but despite having supposedly recovered, with two negative tests under her belt, six months on she is still suffering the long-term effects of the virus.

“Until today, I’m still experiencing shortness of breath that has never gone away. I’m also suffering from fatigue, and muscle pain,” she said, speaking to MaltaToday.

The aftermath of COVID-19 has put a major spoke in Andrea’s wheel, who before contracting the virus, had been an active person.

The mother of two said she was disappointed with the reaction from the health authorities and their failure to make the public aware of the long-lasting effects of the virus. “We can’t carry on the way the way we are, acting as if all is okay... the health authorities must come forward, and warn people, or else the situation will only continue to spiral out of control, and people will pay the price.”

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