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Name of Media:

Disparities in Post-Intensive Care Syndrome During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Solutions


Moses J.E. Flash, BA, Shawn F. Johnson, BS, Max Jordan Nguemeni Tiako, MS, Aswita Tan-McGrory, MBA, MSPH, Joseph R. Betancourt, MD, Daniela J. Lamas, MD, George A. Alba, MD

Publisher or Source:

Massachusetts Medical Society

Type of Media:

Medical Journal

Media Originally for:

Critical Care Physicians,General Medical Professionals,Nurses and/or Other Critical Care Medical Professionals

Country of Origin:

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Primary Focus of Media:

Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS)

COVID-19 Related:



Systemic disparities place minority populations at the greatest risk of contracting and dying from Covid-19, and there is robust literature documenting how structural racism has adversely impacted the well-being of Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people. To date, the predominant focus has been on how disparities impact patients before and during hospitalization with Covid-19. However, disparities in the post-hospitalization period remain unaddressed. Specifically, patients recovering from Covid-19 are at risk for a host of physical, cognitive, and psychiatric sequelae of critical illness, collectively termed “post-intensive care syndrome (PICS).” In the present article, we review the literature on disparities in PICS, highlight the personal toll of Covid-19 on our patients, and suggest solutions to anticipated challenges. We outline a three-pronged approach involving (1) the prevention of critical illness, (2) the deployment of short-term post-hospitalization initiatives, and (3) the implementation of long-term post-hospitalization and community-based solutions.

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